ENERGY LITERACY is presented by Empower Me- Nicole Nebril. Lei Zhang, Muaadh Baessa.
Empower Me is Canada’s only energy conservation and education program designed for and delivered by members of diverse, multilingual, and hard to reach communities. We focus onfour groups: newcomers, seniors, Indigenous people, and educate them about their energy bills and utility choices, energy efficiency, and how to make their homes more comfortable and safe.
Human Libraries started in 2003 in Denmark. They provide a safe and welcoming environment in which participants can learn more about individuals in their community by “borrowing” a person. This “Human Book” shares one-on-one time with you to learn about their life, job, and more. You can listen. You can ask questions. You can learn. You can open your mind. You can change your beliefs about different people and cultures.
Book your 15 minute spot with our Literacy expert.